During Illinois’ Shelter in Place Order, Home Inspection Geeks Inc. will adhere to the advisory of the InterNACHI COVID-19 Safety Guidelines. The last thing we want to do is cause any harm to our employees, customers, realtor partners, and others by spreading or coming into contact with the virus.
Here is a brief summary of the guidelines.
- Clients should not attend the entire inspection if at all possible. Clients have the following options to compensate for not being present for the whole inspection.
- Come at the end of the inspection and get a 30-minute walkthrough of the inspector’s findings (Note: no more than 2 clients are allowed).
- Have a Virtual Walkthrough with the inspector via video conferencing at the end of the inspection
- Have a 30 minute report review call via Zoom with the inspector once the report is released.
- If a realtor is required to be present during the inspection, we request only one realtor be at the inspection.
- Occupants should not be present at the inspection.
- No one showing potential symptoms should attend the inspection or any walkthroughs, no exceptions.
- The inspector will frequently wash their hands for at least 20 seconds throughout the inspection.
- The inspector will closely monitor their health conditions for symptoms of COVID-19, and will not attend if they are showing any symptoms. The inspection will be canceled.
- All parties should closely monitor their health conditions for symptoms of COVID-19 and must inform all other parties if they believe they might be infected.
Here are some precautions we will be taking on site.
- We will avoid touching our face. We may wear clean gloves as a reminder to fight those impulses.
- We will take our temperature daily and cancel the inspection if it is 100.4 or above, and closely monitor our temperature if it seems higher than normal.
- We will bring paper towels to dry our hands.
- We will bring and use hand sanitizer if/when available.
Here are some other things we can do. (Limited availability of supplies may prevent our ability to perform these at any given time. We will gladly do these things in occupied homes when requested if items are available or supplied.)
- Wear rubber gloves
- Wear a face mask
- Use disinfectant wipes or spray on high touch areas
Thank you for your understanding during this order. Please let us know if you have any questions or objections. If it is completely essential that someone other than the inspector be in attendance during the inspection, please contact us at info@homeinspectiongeeks.com so we can ensure proper precautions are being taken to keep everyone safe.